Reclaim The Heat You're Wasting
Energy costs account for approx. 30% of a production facility's operating budget. That means nearly a third of all the money organizations invest into their plant, goes straight to the power bill. Power cost is a pivotal determinant of the overall cost to companies.
Globally, business owners have embraced sustainable techniques to ensure convenience, and efficiency in their facility, but is it possible to go too green? Absolutely.
Considering the implications of global warming, ELGi introduced a Heat Recovery System, which enables the reuse of heat energy generated during the compression process for tasks like heating water.
Refine Your Compressed Air System with ELGi's Heat Recovery System
ELGi's Heat Recovery System can assist in using 78% of the waste heat generated by the compressor for other facility operations, such as heating water. As a result, there is no longer a need to purchase additional equipment to heat water, thus lowering CO2 emissions. The Heat Recovery System is an accessory which can be used with the ELGi EG Series rotary air compressor. Customers can easily plug the HRS into an air compressor to warm water and air for use in showers and boilers by using the heat produced by the air compressor.
In a typical compression system, the theoretical recoverable heat is 96% of the overall electrical energy consumption. It consists of heat dissipated in the oil cooler (78%), the after cooler (13%) and the heat radiated from the drive motor (5%). The heat dissipated by the oil cooler can be used for heating water and the heat dissipated by the after cooler and drive motor can be used for supplemental space heating. The remaining 4% heat cannot be recovered, since 2% radiates through the canopy and the other 2% vents inside the canopy.
Robust Operations Across Industries
The Heat Recovery System finds its operation in industries like automotive, textiles, cement, paper & pulp, machine tool shops, steel making and the food processing industry where there is a need to heat / pre-heat water to a certain temperature ELGi's HRS can significantly reduce energy costs by eliminating the use of special heating equipment or by offering the initial heat to start the heating process where higher temperatures are required.
Elgi is a global air compressor manufacturer with an expansive line of innovative and technologically superior compressed air systems. ELGi has consistently ensured that its customers achieve their productivity goals while keeping the environmental impact low. Our product innovation for the Heat Recovery System is driven by the potential for savings and by examining the carbon footprint of an air compressor. ELGi firmly believes that sustainable technology is at the heart of positive environmental change.